With over 20 years’ experience in the field of education in the middle east, Best Education Group has been catering to the needs of children ranging from pre-primary to grade 12 and are now extending to and have ventured into the field of Early Childhood Education.
Being the first of its kind in the UAE, Best Kidz Nursery adopts the basic ideology and principles from Finland’s National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) 2016.
Our vision is to lay a foundation and offer the best early years education to promote children’s holistic growth, development and learning, allowing them to bloom naturally in a caring, safe, secure and stimulating environment.
Our state-of-the-art facility has been specially designed to follow an ECEC environment allowing a free-flow of movement for the children, stimulating their curiosity and independence. To develop this further we have incorporated an activity room with 9 different conducive learning zones that will inspire their learning experience. Additionally, our facility also includes:
Classrooms comprise of our ECEC Learning Areas:
Best Kidz Nursery is conveniently located on the ground level of Damac Park Towers, situated in the heart of Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC). Park Towers is connected to DIFC Gate Avenue, providing an indoor and outdoor walkway extending from The DIFC Gate Buildings and offices to Central Park Towers, enabling convenient access to the nursery any time of the year.
For any parents who work in the DIFC, this can make dropping off and collecting your children that much easier. You could even pay a visit on your lunch break with no need to use your car, just walk to us from your office!
Download PDFEvery stake holder in a child’s life has a specific role to play in the development of a child. Parents have a major role to play. As parents and the family as a whole are integral to a child’s total development, it is essential to us that we work in close partnership with the families.
This partnership is a commitment by parents with staff to collaborate for supporting children’s growth, development and learning. It requires mutual trust, respect and equality. Partnership is built on the child’s needs, child’s best interests, child’s rights and also takes into consideration each family’s individual needs.
Research proves 80 percent of what is important in a young child’s development happens in the home environment. Therefore, involving parents helps in supporting, delivering and understanding the importance of early education. We value parental involvement and believe that family is a vital part of a quality preschool environment.